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How to Reduce Stretch Marks

The appearance of stretch marks is not something you can prevent altogether. Whether you are pregnant, an athlete, or going through rapid growth spurts, you are more than likely going to spot a few stretch marks here and there. Also, if your weight tends to fluctuate a lot, you may be more susceptible to stretch marks. Stretch marks usually develop on the stomach, waist, upper thighs, chest and arms. They may be very subtle, or very visible. No matter how severe, there are many ways to reduce stretch marks.

I will start off with a few cheap, easy solutions. Try using a skin brush while you are showering will increase circulation which will help the skin to heal and help reduce stretch marks. There are also many creams you can find at your local pharmacy or grocery store that will moisturize your stretch marks, and make them more flexible. Examples of these are cocoa butter and creams or oils containing vitamin E. If none of the creams or oils are effective, you can also talk to your doctor about getting a prescription cream to reduce stretch marks.

Your diet can also help reduce your stretch marks. Eating food high in zinc and silica will help with your collagen formation. Also, eating foods with essential fatty acids, such as certain vegetables and fish oils, help form cell walls. Eating foods high in vitamins A, C, and E will also help.

Another solution to reduce stretch marks is laser surgery. This can become an incredibly expensive process, but is also very effective. The laser actually removes the destroyed layers of skin and helps stimulate collagen growth. Unfortunately, it can only detect your stretch marks if they still have their reddish, brownish coloring to them. The laser cannot detect stretch marks that are more flesh colored.

As you can see, there are many ways in which you can reduce your stretch marks. Depending of your ethnicity or heredity, certain products or solutions might be better for you. Just remember, for best results it is best to start treating your stretch marks sooner, rather than later.

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